Join Burleigh’s Most Welcoming & Supportive Fitness Community

7-Day Free Trial

One of the few gyms in Australia with 100+ Google reviews averaging 5-stars

What’s Included in My Membership?

Everything You Need to Ease into the Fitness Journey and Start Feeling Amazing!

7-Day Free Trial

  • $0 join fee.
  • $0 start up fees.
  • No hidden fees.
  • No lock-in contracts.
  • No catches whatsoever.
  • Walk away anytime.

Free For Members

  • Burleigh’s Best Fitness Community
  • 1x Goal Setting Meeting
  • 1x Nutrition Assessment
  • 1x Physical Assessment
  • The 28-Day “Easy Intro” Program
  • State-of-the-Art Equipment
  • Small Group Training Classes
  • Referral Benefits
  • Much More (Just Ask!)

Free- Small Group Training

  • Strength
    45-minute class for muscle tone + strength
  • Stretch
    60-minute flexibility + yoga-style class
  • Speed
    Cardio + strength class to burn fat fast
  • Strike
    Fun boxing class for cardio and strength
  • Stamina
    Invigorating cardio and endurance workout
  • Swole
    60-minute bodybuilding style class

Paid Optional Add-Ons

  • One-on-One Personal Training
    with a highly experienced and supportive PT who will carefully guide you through the best exercises to achieve your fitness goals.
  • Exercise Physiology Experts
    who specialise in helping clients with chronic health conditions, injury rehabilitation, obesity, postnatal recovery, and 20+ common health conditions.
  • The Movement Innovation Performance Assessment (MIPA) with VALD force plates
    to get cutting-edge biometric data and assess power, balance, body asymmetries, injury risk factors, and much more – as used by the world’s top athletes! ($139).
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The Best Gym For “Non-Gym” People

Does “going to the gym” conjure a dark, scary place in your mind and make your stomach hurt?

Never fear. Our community is here!

Fitness For Those Who (Used to) Fear the Gym

Play Video about Exercise for back pain - Part 2

Sharon’s Story

“I’m Sharon. I’m 48 years old. A mum of two. I’m an accountant… I had given up a previous gym membership. I just felt that [other] gym was too big. I didn’t feel part of the community, so I went and started training back at home… but I found that I was missing that sense of comradery and connection with other people. I was looking for a small studio to train at and I found Movement Innovation… there’s a lot of mums that train so I enjoy catching up with them and we chat about what’s happening in our lives. So it’s really coming into an environment where you feel comfortable and supported and I’ve been able to make new friends.”

Play Video about Strength Training Classes

Mick’s Story

“Hey, my name is Mick. I’m a 46-year-old father of 2 boys. Schoolteacher. I’ve been coming here since February 2020… It’s a cliche but it’s like a big family… when you come in, everyone’s like ‘yay, how are you going?’ It’s not like other gyms where it’s people with headphones on, lifting weights, doing whatever. I’ve made friends outside of the people I normally hang around with… I knew it wasn’t going to be a big ‘bro’ thing full of dudes lifting heavy weights, trying to intimidate people. It’s just normal people.”

Play Video about Strike Training

Ella’s Story

“I’m Ella. I’m 21… I was going to a different boxing gym, which was great, and I did get really fit but it was just so intense for me… here, you come in and it’s actually a social thing on top of fitness… I actually look forward to going to the gym, not just to train. It’s to see the people. You’re not just going to get your fitness like you would at gym. You make friends. You make relationships with people… I didn’t want to go to other gyms… I got so nervous about other people watching me and being like ‘your form’s wrong’ or ‘you’re not doing this right’… that’s the best thing about coming here because you get support from everyone and help on everything… you don’t feel judged at all by anyone. That’s why I love coming here.”

Play Video

Stacie’s Story

“I was always too scared to go to a gym because I never felt confident enough within myself or within my body. It was more a mental thing… I was just scrolling on instagram and I saw this funny post that was promoting MI and I clicked on it and entered my name and my number and I quickly got out of it. I didn’t submit it. I thought I didn’t submit it. Then all of a sudden within an hour I had Luke calling me saying ‘Hey Stacie. It’s Luke. I’d really like to have a chat. And I was like ‘Oh, no! Now I’m in. I’m doing this!’… Walking in I was really unsure but the moment I met Luke he was very welcoming. He wasn’t scary, like a lot of gym people could be.”

The Gym For Everyday People Who Want to Feel Comfortable Training in a “Judgment Free” Zone.

The Perfect Gym For…


No gym experience. No idea what to expect.


Sees the gym much like a haunted house. Dark and scary.


Have been to a number of other gyms but can’t find the “one.”

Mums, Dads, Regular Folk

Not looking to be an instagram influencer or start a nude modelling career any time soon.

The Maimed and Injured

Cautious about exacerbating existing injuries. Looking for a slower pace.

Everyday Athletes

Knows how it flows. Capable of helping others.

Health and Wellness Heroes

Enjoys a variety of fitness classes to support overall vitality and longevity.

Fitness Friends

Those who love the social aspect of the gym. It’s a place to connect, share, and encourage others to keep striving – which makes every workout easier.

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Moving from fear
to love

Nobody should FEAR the gym. Exercise shouldn’t be a “chore.” It shouldn’t feel like a 2nd job. (One job is plenty.)

Yet, many people have to “psych themselves up” for a workout.

And the commute can feel like you’re about to visit a relative who gives you anxiety.

Move over fear…What if you actually LOOKED FORWARD to seeing the gym?

“Impossible!” you say. It’s not rocket science…

Without love, everything stops.

People stop training when they stop looking forward to exercise.

People don’t look forward to seeing weights…

They look forward to fun.

They look forward to friends. 

They look forward to community.

They look forward to rewards.

That’s what motivates them to train.

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Join The Movement

Let’s inspire a new movement.

Let’s inspire connection, community, and healthier lifestyles.

Our goal is to turn the once-scary gym into a place you’re excited to see every day.

It’s time to move the culture forward. Away from fear and comparison. Towards love and community.

This is “The Movement.”

Lots of love,
Luke and the team

Let’s get started!

Join Burleigh’s Top-Rated Gym With Over 100 5-Star Google Reviews

Enquire About 7-Day Free Trial

PLUS Recieve → Free Starter’s Guide: The Easy 28-Day Intro Program

*No Commitment, No Fees, Cancel Anytime!*