Why Periodisation Could be The Answer To Your Slow Results

Periodisation and its importance when it comes to strength training.

Strength training is crucial when it comes to our overall longevity and injury prevention as we get older.


It can be easy to go and lift some weights without really having a plan but after while if we don’t progressively overload the weight and overall volume of our training it can lead to a plateau or even injury.


If we utilise a program with an effective format containing some periodisation protocols there will be less chance of hitting a wall or injuring ourselves over time.


A simple training block can be made up of a few different variables.


I.E: Using a 4 to 6 week period to slowly increase weight and decrease repetitions or alternatively keeping the weight the same but increasing reps and sets.


A good example of this would be:

Week 1: 10-12 reps x 3-4 sets  or  Week 1: 10-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Week 2: 8-10 reps x 3-4 sets         Week 2: 12-15 reps x 3-4 sets
Week 3: 6-8 reps x 3-4 sets           Week 3: 12-20 reps x 4 sets
Week 4: 4-6 reps x 3 -4 sets          Week 4: 15-20 reps x 4 sets


There can be many different examples when it comes to progressive overload with our programming.


To find the program that suits you best, It is important to take your goals into account. If our goal is strength a 6-8 rep range is more suitable whereas if our goal is hypertrophy a 8-12 rep range is more suitable.


However, we can still achieve some aspects of hypertrophy with a 6-8 rep range if the muscles are being pushed to failure.


If you want to increase strength as-well as increase lean muscle though you should consider working with all different rep ranges throughout a 4-6 week period for optimal results.


We periodise our strength classes to make sure our members see results short and long term results. 


Feeling like you’re going around in circles with your training? Our 28 Day Intro could be the extra support you need to have the next big shift in your results.


Written by Blake Stegemann, Coach at Movement Innovation.