1. Posture- Keep your body tall with shoulders set back and relaxed and head looking forward to the horizon. Slightly lean forward from the ankles as if there was a slight breeze behind you pushing you forward, running is actually a controlled fall.
2. Foot strike- Your feet should be landing under your hips, not landing too far out in front of the body causing overstriding and having a braking effect, preferably landing on the mid-foot and utilising the stiffness of the calf complex, Achilles and lower leg to propel you forwards. You will land with a slightly flexed knee to absorb the force of each stride but avoid sinking too low into a squatted position. Cadence is the number of steps per minute and is quite individual but a guide can be ~170-180 steps per min ie. 85-90 strikes each foot. This can be something to be aware of and practice as a low cadence can lead to ‘plodding’ and can increase the risk of injuries.
3. Mechanics- A neutral pelvis will allow efficient power production and improved posture. Avoid a forward rotated pelvis which can cause lumbar extension and low back pain and limit hip mechanics. As you are running imagine that your legs are rotating under you like a wheel to propel you forward. Focus on bringing your heel up under your butt to create a shorter lever then dive your knee up and forward into your next stride.
4. Arm carry- this is quite important and often overlooked as arm carry and arm swing can really assist with speed and efficiency and keep you balanced. Have you ever tried to run with your arms down by your side?! Your arms should only swing forwards and backwards, not across your body or out wide as this is a loss of energy. Keep your elbows by your side and just less than 90 degrees, focus on driving your elbows back as the natural recoil of the muscles and fascia will return your arms forward.
5. Breathing- Of course we need to remember to breathe! As you are exerting yourself the body will require more oxygen but with correct posture and efficient mechanics breathing can be controlled and rhythmic. Breathe effectively by using your diaphragm as this allows more oxygen in per breath and avoids tensing up through the chest and rib cage. At endurance paces some people can breathe in and out through the nose but if you are not comfortable with this try to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
Think about 1 or 2 of these tips each time you run to refine your technique and become more efficient and enjoy your running more. It isn’t always about running harder, it’s more about running smarter and stronger!
Want help with you running? Book in for a chat with our run coach Aaron, Fill in your details here and tell us what your goals are.
Written By Aaron Ashdown, Exercise Physiologist & Trainer at Movement